Thought experiments are mental concepts or hypotheses, often resembling riddles, which are used by philosophers and scientists as simple ways of illuminating what are usually very dense ideas. Most often, they’re used in more abstract fields like philosophy and theoretical physics, where physical experiments aren’t possible. They serve as some hearty food for thought, but given their complex subject matter, it’s not unusual for even the thought experiment itself to be nearly incomprehensible. With this in mind, here are ten of the most famous thought experiments, along with explanations of the philosophical, scientific, and ethical ideas they work to explain:

  思想實驗是一種精神上的觀念或假想,通常和謎語相似,是哲學家和科學家用以瞭解什麼是大眾思想的一種簡單方法。他們的運用在如哲學和理論物理(理論物理無需做實驗)等抽象領域是最為廣泛的。他們像是為思想準備的一份大餐,最終給出複雜的答案。即使思想實驗本身也會有無法理解的時候,這並不奇怪。下面是 10個著名的思想實驗,還有他們所要表達的哲學、科學和倫理意義。


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